Tuesday, November 19, 2013

C4T #4


My C4T teacher this week is Joey Feith. Joey Feith is the founder of ThePhysicalEducator.com. He currently teaches elementary physical education just outside of Montreal, Canada. Joey believes that every child should have access to a world class physical education experience, and that teacher professional development is the key to that. That is why, between lesson planning and helping kids improve their running, he has dedicated thousands of hours to creating a site that helps inspire fellow physical educators.

On his first blog I read blog #PEChat 2.0 Here Joey Feith talks about the weekly Twitter chat hosted by ThePhysicalEducator.com. Each week, hundreds of physical educators flock to Twitter to take part in this online professional development experience. The goal of #pechat is to help physical educators improve their teaching through frequent, engaging, and meaningful professional development that is focused on good teaching practice.

My comment:

My name is Laura Hamilton, and this fall I’m taking a class called EDM 310, www.edm310.blogspot.com at the University of South Alabama. This class is very important in the field I’m going into, Physical Education, and Sports Management. This class will help me learn how to evolve technology into the classroom today. I have been assigned to your blog for a few assignments for my own personal blog this fall, www.hamiltonlauraedm310.blogspot.com. I really like your blog and what you are doing with #pechat. It is a great way to help teachers improve their teaching with technology. It not only could help teachers and coaches who have been in the field brush up on new ways and technology to incorporate in the classroom. But it really helps out teachers like me, fresh out of college and have no idea where to start with lesson plans, and games. Great Blog!

My second post was Evernote Lesson Planning Workflow. This blog talks about how Joey Feith most used app on a day-to-day basis. Having all of his notes, ideas, sketches, and screenshots organized into an awesome cloud-based system is incredibly helpful. For some time now, he has used Evernote as his go-to lesson planning tool. Being able to lesson plan on-the-go and organize/search those plans based on tags and keywords is a huge help in keeping his planning organized.

My Comment:

My name is Laura Hamilton, and this fall I’m taking a class called EDM 310, www.edm310.blogspot.com at the University of South Alabama. This class is very important in the field I’m going into, Physical Education, and Sports Management. This class will help me learn how to evolve technology into the classroom today. I have been assigned to your blog for a few assignments for my own personal blog this fall, www.hamiltonlauraedm310.blogspot.com. I am very new to technology in the classroom for the most part. I really like Evernote and hope to find it as useful as you do in the classroom planning.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura,
    Thanks for checking out ThePhysicalEducator.com. I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying the posts.
    I just wanted to comment to share my opinion on why it is so important that university students (like you!) get an early jump on developing your online personal learning network.
    If you do decided to become a physical educator after university, you might find your first few years as a teaching professional quite challenging (I know I did). There are a LOT of things that they don't/can't teach you in school, and it's easy to find yourself feeling overwhelmed by all of the work/challenges you suddenly have to face.
    Having that PLN ready to help and support you during those early challenges can be a huge help in making sure that you quickly find solutions to your problems and can get back to feeling great about teaching. There's evidence that shows that teachers in their first five years of teaching, if left unsupported in time of need, will fall back on the "old school" ways of the PE teachers of their past. Basically, all of that energy and passion you left college with can start to fade.
    Having that PLN there can help avoid those types of situations by providing you with regular, meaningful professional development and support (which is the mission of #pechat). That being said, building your PLN takes time. My advice: don't wait! Start following thought leaders and fellow teachers on Twitter, join in on #pechat (no matter what you think, you will bring value to it regardless of your level of experience), and build your network.
    I'm really happy that you have a forward-thinking prof (at least they seem to be) who has you doing this type of work, and I'm excited for you to be part of my own PLN.
    Thanks again for reading and happy teaching!
